Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chocolate Truffles - The Last Day of Truffles

Hi Chocolate-Loving Peeps,

Oh no! It's the last Chocolate Truffles Recipe left...

Do you have any taste-buds- exploding-coherent-speach-stopping-I-can't-eat-enough Chocolate Recipes? Post a comment and I may include your recipe on this Chocolate Lovers: Best Chocolate Recipes BLOG!

It's simple.

Chocolate Truffles

2 pounds of Belgian chocolate (or any brand of good quality chocolate)
one quart of heavy cream
1/4 lb. unsalted butter
1/3 C liqueur of choice
cocoa powder

Serves 1 - if you hoard it all to yourself(you may just want to or else someone else may eat all TWO POUNDS+ of your chocolate truffles! Plus, they'll be back for more, These choco-truffs(did I just create a new word here?) are incredibly addictive even without the sugar!)

Melt chocolate and cream over a double boiler. Whisk in butter and liqueur. Continue to whisk as the mixture cools and thickens. Pour into quart containers and refrigerate. To serve, scoop out with melon baller, roll in powdered cocoa.

Quick question: what's better than Belgian Chocolate? Is there a better chocolate out there? Post a comment if you can think of one.

Thanks for visiting!

God Bless,
Yoon Ho Um

P.S. Fudge Lovers Get Ready! Our next Chocolare Lovers Recipe is... Foolproof Dark Chocolate Fudge

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