Wednesday, June 3, 2009

200 Posts and a Free Tee-Shirt!

Wow. Just weeks before the blog turns two years old and I'm at my 200th post! Fun!

And what good timing for a fun promotional? Autumn, Wyatt, Nicole, Jess, and the rest of the bunch here have been rackin' our cocoa-clogged brains in attempts to come up with a fun Eclipse-branded tee shirt as our new cafe uniform... but alas, we're all outta ideas. So, we're asking for help.

Drop us a reply here with your idea for a funny, interesting, or inspirational Eclipse-related phrase for the front of our new chocolate-brown tees. The backs will, of course, feature the EC logo. Tees will be available in the cafe for anyone interested in sharing in the chocolate-covered goodness. Literally... they are chocolate-colored tees, but each will come with a small chocolate bar ($3 value) and priced at just $12! That's a $9 tee-shirt for anyone whose not inclined to do simple math.

Best yet, our favorite three suggestions here will receive a free shirt! So hurry up and get your brains workin'. The contest will close on Friday, June 12th.

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