Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chef Gary here...

Chef Gary here ... Let me know what you want to hear about. Here's one of my new recipes:
Asparagus & Mushroom Scramble
with Fresh Italian Relish

4 Roma Tomatoes - seeded, diced

3/4 cup Red Onion, chopped
2 T. Red Wine Vinegar

¼ cup Olive Oil
1 T. Garlic, chopped
2 T. Fresh Basil, minced

1 T. Fresh Oregano, minced

4 Tbsp. Butter
¼ cup Shallots, diced
1 cup Asparagus, cut into 1/4-in. Pieces
¾ cup Mushrooms, sliced
12 Large eggs
Salt to taste
Parmesan cheese as needed

1. To make Italian relish, combine tomatoes, onion, vinegar,olive oil, garlic, basil and oregano; set aside.

2. In large nonstick sauté pan, heat butter and shallots; sauté 2 minutes. Add asparagus and mushrooms and cook until tender, 5 minutes. Beat eggs and add to pan. Salt to taste and scramble until firm.

3. To serve, divide eggs among 4 plates. Top each portion with relish and Parmesan shavings.

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