Monday, March 30, 2009

Juiced on Java
The hilarious ads for Zaini Chocolate's Kofli, coffee bean candies feature an overly caffeinated Easter Bunny and friends. I'm sure we could all use an extra perk! You can find the Italian candies here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Novel Guatemalan Chocolate: Who Is Carlos Eichenberger?

Well, for one thing, he's the guy who gave me a ride from Guatemala City to my old hometown of Antigua the day after I spoke about this blog at the first (annual?) symposium on cacao hosted by the organization FundaSistemas in December of 2008. The focus of the conference was how to increase the tonnage of cacao exported from Guatemala by a factor of at least several hundred and thereby speed up economic and political development in the country. That's a process I would be fascinated to observe, but I'm reluctant to suggest that I have either a position to take regarding how to do it or expertise in advising anyone else to take up such a position. I am always happy, though, to talk about the nuanced implications of producing and consuming the materials in the developing and developed world that fuel the (increasingly international) small-scale artisanal chocolate industry.

I've been doing a lot of research in Guatemala over the past year on exactly that subject, though I haven't written much about it. In the midst of conducting a Top Secret Project about the Revival of Chocolate in the Ancient Maya Birthplace of Chocolate, I found that there were several other people doing the same thing. But, as I've mentioned recently, being the first person to the story isn't all that important to me. The literary world's general reverence of Proust, for example, (whom I still have not actually read) has little to do with the notion that he was the first person to remember things past. So, I figured, if other people want to talk about chocolate in Guatemala, let them have at it.

That said, I might as well speak up from time to time. So here goes: Carlos Eichenberger, of Danta Chocolate, is producing a bean-to-bar chocolate in the country of origin, in this case, Guatemala. When I met him at the symposium last year, he was buying beans through a broker. I introduced him to the owner of a farm called las Acacias in the Guatemala/Mexico border area often referred to (among chocolate fanatics) as "Soconusco" (Shawn Askinosie produces a Soconusco bar). I haven't had a chance to try one of Danta's Acacias bars yet, but I've had Carlos's chocolate and I've had las Acacias beans. Both are some of the finest specimens of their kind. The combination is a novelty worth writing about: Danta mentioned on the Chocolate Life, Danta mentioned in El Periodico.

Friday, March 27, 2009

TCHO is Nerdy!
A bunch of chocolate loving tech geeks from San Fran got together to create TCHO, their very own luxury chocolate operation. The name is a hybrid of technology + chocolate. Their approach to chocolate sourcing, packaging, production and tasting is
totally geeky--providing us with long, technical reports on sourcing, formulations and tasting techniques. They even created their own flavor wheel which organizes the flavors inherently found in chocolate. I'm especially fond of the packaging which is based on algorithmic guilloche patterns. I'm trying to get my hands on a few of their bars asap. I'm certain they'll make me smarter. Via The DIELINE.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chocolate Lab
My girlfriend just rescued a Labrador pup from some backstreet in Mexico. I think I'll send her a few of these cute little pooches from Martine's Chocolates to welcome the little guy home. Dog lovers, these chocolate canines also come in Chihuahua, Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel and just about any other purebred you can imagine. I think you have to special order the mutts...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chocolate Mousse


6 oz : 120 g Semi sweet grated chocolate.
6 : 6 Eggs
1/4 tsp : 1 ml Salt


  1. Melt the Chocolate in a double boiler.
  2. Cool slightly.
  3. Beat the egg yolks until light and thick.
  4. Gradually stir in the melted chocolate.
  5. Whip the egg whites with the salt until stiff.
  6. Gently fold into the mixture.
  7. Spoon the mousse into serving dishes, cover with plastic wrap and chill for about 6 hours.

Chocolate Cream Rolls


2 Cups : 500 ml's Ricotta Cheese
1 tsp : 5 ml's Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup : 60 ml's Confectioners Sugar
1/4 Cup : 60 ml's Candied Fruit
1/3 Cup : 90 ml's Chocolate Chips
12 : 12 Desert Crepes
1 Cup : 250 ml's Kiwi Papaya Sauce

Crepe Batter Ingredients

1 Cup : 250 ml's All Purpose Flour
1/4 tsp : 1 ml Salt
2 Tbsp : 20 ml's Safflower Oil
1 Cup : 250 ml's Milk
1/4 Cup : 60 ml's Soda Water
1 : 1 Egg
1/2 tsp : 3 ml's Vanilla Extract

Kiwi Papaya Sauce Ingredients

6 : 6 Paierd, Chopped Kiwi's
2 Cups : 500 ml's Papaya Pulp
1/4 Cup : 60 ml's Granulated Sugar
1 Cup : 250 ml's Milk
1/4 Cup : 60 ml's Soda Water
1 1/2 tbsp : 24 ml's Corn Starch
1/3 Cup : 80 ml's Apple Juice

Preperation : Chocolate Cream Rolls

  1. Cream the cheese in a food processor.
  2. Add the vanilla and sugar and beat.
  3. Remove from the Food Processor and beat in the fruit and chocolate chips.
  4. Spoon cheese blend onto the crepes and roll.
  5. Plate the crepes and top with sauce.

Preperation : Crepe Batter
  1. Sift the flour and salt together, blend in the oil, milk, and water.
  2. Beat eggs and add to the liquid.
  3. Stir in Vanilla Essence.
  4. Blend in Dry Ingredients, beat until a smooth, thin batter is formed.

To cook:

  1. Spread about 3tbsp (45ml's) batter into lightly buttered hot skillet.
  2. Cook about 1 1/2 minutes, turn the crepe and cook about 1 minute over medium heat.
  3. Turn out and use as required.

Preperation : Kiwi Papaya Sauce

  1. Puree the Kiwi's with the papaya in Food processor.
  2. Press through a sieve into a small sauce pan.
  3. Stir in Sugar.
  4. Mix Cornstarch with apple juice and add to the fruit.
  5. Heat over low heat until the sauce is thick.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cookware for Chocolate Nerds
Preparing chocolate inspired dishes generally requires the use of tools that you normally wouldn’t use for everyday cooking. Chocolate is a very particular food and special care must be taken to insure that it is prepared properly. Here are a few simple kitchen tools and dinnerware that no chocolate lover should be without.
Hot Chocolate Maker Hot chocolate can be prepared in a variety of different ways. While some people are content simply mixing cocoa powder and hot water, I prefer to brew hot chocolate with a ceramic hot chocolate maker. These makers whip milk and cocoa together into a creamy and frothy decedent beverage whose taste cannot be beat. Hot chocolate made the way it was meant to be, in a traditional hot chocolate maker, puts modern microwave style chocolate to shame.
Double Boiler I love to melt chocolate to use in cakes and brownies or to cover pastries or cookies but without a double boiler this feat is almost impossible. Simply boiling chocolate in a standard pan will burn and harden the chocolate, making it difficult to spread or cover foods. A double boiler will heat chocolate to the optimum temperature, keeping it at a consistency that allows for drizzling, spreading, and dipping.
Fondue Pots Fondue is a popular party dish that is as much fun to eat as it is delicious. While some people prefer to melt cheese to accent meats and breads, chocolate fondue is the only decadent option. By heating and keeping chocolate at a deviously creamy consistency, your friends will love dipping assorted fruits into the pot for a luscious after dinner treat. Fruits like strawberries, bananas, apples, raspberries, and many other foods can be paired with chocolate to create mouth-watering flavor combos.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Goodness Grace-ous!
I'm sure a ton of people have wanted a piece of Grace Jones for years. Now they can sink their teeth right into her dark chocolate with this life sized chocolate replica molded directly from the iconic diva's actual body parts. I'm in awe. Leave it to Grace Jones to do this! More here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chocolate Whip


1 packet of red jelly
2 1/2 T. cocoa
2 T. custard powder
4 1/2 c. water
3 eggs, seperated.
1 c. sugar


1. Mix the cocoa and custard powder with 1/2 c. sugar and 1/2 c. cold water and stir into 2 c. boiling water. cook while stirring until the mixture thickens.
2. Beat the yolks of egg with 1/2 c. sugar and add to the first mixture. Cook for 2 minutes.
3. Dissolve the jelly in 2 c. boiling water. Stir until all the crystals have dissolved. Remove the other mixture from the stove and immediately add the jelly. Mix well.
4. Chill and as soon as it begins to set, fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites.
5. Pour the mixture into a wet mould and chill to set.
6. Unmould and serve with custard, cream or peppermint sauce.

Chocolate Roll


1/2 c. flour.
1/4 t. salt
2 T. Cocoa
1 T. Lemon Juice
1/2 t. Vanilla Essence
3 eggs, seperated
1/2 c. Castor Sugar


1. Sift andmeasure the flour.
2. Sift the flour, salt and cocoa together.
3. Beat the egg yolks, lemon juice and sugar (except 1 T.) thoroughly.
4. Lightly fold in the dry mixture.
5. Beat the egg whites with 1T. sugar until stiff and fold into the batter.
6. Line a baking tin (14 inches by 10 inches) with greased paper and pour mixture into it.
7. Bake in a hot oven (425 degrees F.) for 10 to 12 minutes.
8. Turn out onto a damp cloth, spread the filling over it with a spatula and roll it immediately.
9. Sprinkle castor sugar over roll.
10. Leave to cool on a wire cooler.


3/4 c. butter
1 1/2 to 2 c. icing sugar
Vanilla Essence.

Beat the butter, adding the icing sugar gradually until the mixture is light and creamy. Add about 1/2 t. vanilla essence. Spread over the roll.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Space Case
I've been feeling way spacey recently. I'm certain a box of these solar system inspired truffles would beam me back down to Earth. Too bad they're all the way from Barcelona, may as well be from Pluto:(

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Type Of Keyboard
My recent post on Kohler confections made me wonder what other companies would do with chocolate. Someone totally beat Apple to this one! Found via gizmodo.