Monday, June 30, 2008

Assessing the Role of Color Cues and People's Beliefs About Color–Flavor Associations on the Discrimination of the Flavor of Sugar-Coated Chocolates

Carmel A. Levitan, Massimiliano Zampini, Ryan Li & Charles SpenceChemical Senses 2008 33(5):415-423AbstractWe report 2 experiments designed to investigate the effect of people's prior beliefs concerning specific color-flavor associations on their ability to discriminate the flavor of colored sugar-coated chocolate sweets. The participants in our study judged whether pairs of Smarties had the same

Saturday, June 21, 2008


INGREDIENTES (8 porciones) BASE 20 galletas de chocolate 50 gramos de mantequilla 1 huevo 4 barras e chocolate, para fundir RELLENO 1 paquete de queso crema 1 taza de leche condensada 1 naranja (el jugo, colado) 18 fresas lavadas 1 cucharada de grenetina hidratada en un ¼ de taza de agua 8 fresas lavadas y rebanadas P R O C E D I M I E N T O PASTA Muele finamente las galletas,

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chocolate Ice Cream /Category: Sweets/Desserts / Cold Desserts (Fridge)
2 egg
2 egg yolks
75g caster sugar
300ml single cream
225g plain chocolate
300ml double cream,whipped

1.Whisk together the eggs, egg yolks & sugar in a large bowl.Heat the single cream & chocolate in a small pan until melted & then bring to the boil.Pour on to the egg mixture & stir well
2.Return to the pan & heat gently,stirring all the time until the custard coats the back of the spoon.Strain into a bowl,cover the surface of the custard with a damp greaseproof paper.Cool
3.Fold the whipped cream into the custard & pour into a rigid polythene container.Seal & freeze for 2 hrs.Remove from the freezer until the ice cream is firm.Before serving,allow to soften in fridge for 20mins.
Makes 1Litre
Tip: For SA residents double cream is available @ Woolies

Double Chocolate Terrine Sweets/Desserts / Cold Desserts (Fridge)
50g/2oz caster sugar
4tsp gelatine
125g/4oz plain chocolate
300ml/ 1/2pint cream
125g/4oz white chocolate
plain & white chocolate shavings, to decorate

1.Beat 1 egg yolk & 25g/1oz sugar together until smooth.Sprinkle 2tsp gelatine into 1 Tbsp hot water over a pan of simmering water & leave to stand for 5mins.Melt plain chocolate over a pan of simmering water.
2.Whip 150ml/ 1/4pint cream until it forms soft peaks.Whisk one egg white until forms stiff peaks.Stir the gelatine & melted chocolate into egg yolk mixture.
3.Gently fold cream & egg white into chocolate mixture & spoon into a 1.2L /2pints loaf tin lined with cling wrap.Chill for 2 hrs until set.
4.Make the white chocolate layer as above,using the remaining ingredients. Spoon over set layer & chill.Freeze overwrap with foil.Store up to 2mnths.Thaw overnight in fridge.
5.Turn onto a serving plate,remove wrap & sprinkle with chocolate shavings.

Layered Mousse Gateau

Category: Sweets/Desserts / Mousses
175g Bourbon biscuits
225g unsalted butter
225g milk chocolate
6 Tbsp brandy/rum
3eggs, separated
300ml double cream
225g white chocolate
225g plain chocolate
cocoa & icing sugar,for dusting

1.Line the sides of a 20cm round loose-based cake tin with a strip of foil.Finely crush the biscuits in a polythene bag using a rolling pin. Melt 50g butter & mix with the crushed biscuits.Press into the base of the tin.
2.Use the milk chocolate,50g butter,2Tbsp of brandy/rum, one egg & 100ml double cream to make a mousse,following the recipe above.Spoon the mousse over the top of the biscuit base.Level the surface & chill thoroughly.
3.Use the white chocolate, 50g butter, one egg & 100ml cream to make a white mousse & then use the remaining ingredients to make dark mousse in the same way.Spoon each layer carefully into the tin & chill well between layers.Finally,chill the completed gateau overnight.
4.Dust the surface with cocoa & icing sugar.Remove sides of cake tin & carefully peel away the foil to serve.

Marbled Chocolate Mousse

Category: Sweets/Desserts / Mousses
100g/4oz plain chocolate
4Tbsp brandy
50g/2oz unsalted butter
100g/4oz white chocolate
150ml/ 1/4pint double cream

1.Break up plain chocolate & place with half of the brandy & half the butter in a bowl over simmering water.Turn off heat & leave until melted.Repeat with white chocolate,remaining brandy & butter.
2.Stir one egg yolk into each bowl of mixture.Place the whites in a clean,grease-free bowl & whisk until they are stiff. Whip the double cream in a separate bowl until it's lightly peaking.
3.Divide the whipped cream between the chocolate mixtures & carefully fold in,using a metal spoon.Divide the egg whites between the two bowls & fold in gently,taking care to keep in all the air.
4.Place a teaspoonful of dark mousse in each serving glass.Fill with alternating spoonfuls of light & dark mousse.Tap the gladdes gentlyon the surface to get rid of any air pockets as you go.
5.To marblethe mousses,push a fine-handled teaspoon into each glass.With the tip of the spoon touching the inside of the glass,gently swirl mousses together to achieve a marbled finish.Chill
Serves 4

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Es difícil encontrar mejor acompañamiento para una humeante taza de chocolate que un buen libro. La mezcla de cacao y lectura hace que ambas actividades multipliquen el placer proporcionado. Se trata de pensar por unos momentos en nosotros mismos, relajarnos y disfrutar de estos pequeños placeres que la vida nos concede y que se encuentran al alcance de nuestras manos. El Secreto del Chocolate (

¿Contiene cafeína el cacao?

Sí, en pequeñas cantidades. Los granos de cacao son sometidos a un proceso de secado y fermentación para develar su sabor y color. La cantidad de cafeína en los gramos varía con el tipo de granos y el grado de fermentación.En consecuencia, el polvo de chocolate contiene cafeína, entre un 0,1 y un 0,5 %.