Sunday, June 4, 2006

White Hot Chocolate Recipe

Hi Chocoholics,

I don't know but can you call it Hot White Chocolate too...?!

White Hot Chocolate

3 1/2 c Milk
2 tb Sugar
3 1/2 oz White chocolate (finely chopped)
1 oz Milk chocolate (finely chopped)
Creme de cacao (optional)

-Heat milk and sugar to just below a boil. Remove from heat and add chocolate.
Let stand 2 minutes.
-Transfer to a blender and whip until frothy. Add creme de cacao if desired.

Serve hot(kind'a obvious I know...).

Whatever you do use top-quality white chocolate. Don't use anything like "coating chocolate".

So if you really are into white chocolate try this one out, maybe you'll convince
others to love white chocolate too...

God Bless,

P.S. So what do you think... time for another white chocolate recipe or another
"Hot Chocolate" in-a-mug recipe...? Let's sace the white chocolate for later(what a tease I can be, eh?)... you'll just have to settle for the "World's Best Hot Chocolate"! See ya next time, same place, different time.