Thursday, February 23, 2006

How About Some "Plain" Hot Chocolate?

Hi Chocolate Drinkers,

Okay, for the less adventurous, let's try some "regular" hot chocolate:

Hot Chocolate

-1 oz (generous) good sweet chocolate; broken to pieces
-a small quantity of milk; or water
-2 tb to 3 tbsp water or milk; boiling
-1 c Milk or water; boiling

Put the broken up pieces of chocolate with a small quantity of water or hot milk in a casserole dish on gentle heat. Cover the pan, let the chocolate soften, remove from stove top and whip into a smooth paste with a whisk or wooden spoon.

Add two or three tablespoons of boiling water or milk to dilute the paste, then slowly add the cup of boiling water or milk, continuing to stir all the time.

Hint: To retain the full aroma of the chocolate (the same applies to cocoa) the chocolate must never be allowed to boil.


Simple and tasty!

God Bless,
Yoon Ho Um

P.S. Now how about some White Hot Chocolate ...? Sounds good! Come back soon!

Let's Make & Drink Some Fiesta Hot Chocolate!

Hi Chocolate Lovers,

I'm so sorry for not posting for a while(okay a LONG time...). Before we continue with chocolate cakes and cookies, etc. let's finally get to a chocolate drink! How about a Fiesta! When you have a party, make some...

Fiesta Hot Chocolate

1/2 cup Cocoa
1/4 cup Dark Brown Sugar; Packed
3 ea Cloves; whole
2 tb Powdered Sugar
Whipped Cream
1 tb Flour; Unbleached
4 cups Milk
1 ea Cinnamon Stick;Broken In 1/2
1 1/2 ts Vanilla
4 ea Cinnamon Sticks

Mix cocoa and flour in 2-quart saucepan.

Stir in brown sugar, milk, cloves, and 1 stick cinnamon.

Heat just to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly; reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutes (Whatever you do, DO NOT bring to a boil!). Remove from heat; remove cloves and cinnamon.

Stir in the powdered sugar and vanilla. Beat with molinillo, wire whisk or hand beater until foamy.

Pour into 4 mugs. Serve with whipped cream and cinnamon sticks.

And there you have it... Something hot to drink. And what goes better with your chocolate treats than a mug of hot chocolate, and not just any hot chocolate, but Fiesta Hot chocolate!

God Bless,
Yoon Ho Um